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Year of Earth Boar





The Commander of the year holds no weaponry in his hands, which tells us it is not a period of war, and that peace will prevail. Red in all values (the color of fire element) is positively lucky to wear and surround ourselves with.  Pantone describes 2019 color of the year...Living Coral...although it looks pink is “an animated, life-affirming shade of orange, with golden undertones.” â€‹

Savings increase, We are not afraid to roll around in the mud, nor get dirty. Domesticated home life is a joy.  A time to reap the rewards for past efforts.

Expansion in travel, higher learning, with our thoughts on the nature of our universe, will be forefront.

There may be earth changes, like volcanic and earthquake activity with shifting of tectonic plates.

We may also experience our love of self and others, in a new paradigm shift, as we build a solid network in which we nurture one another.

1959 was the last earth pig year:

Alaska and Hawaii became 49th and 50th states. America's 1st astronauts were introduced. Mattel's Barbie doll was launched. First weather station was sent to space. We viewed ourselves on earth from a totally new vantage point.
























Tai Sui and Sao Po:


The commander of the year Tai Sui sits Northwest and can bring fortune and favor rather than affliction when respected properly.  Known as the Grand Duke, he literally represents the energy of our emotional stress.  This year he resides in the home of the Pig, the reigning animal of the year.  Do not confront him. Gain the favor of the Governor by sitting as he sits. Place furniture in such a way as to sit with your back toward this direction.

Tai Sui sits

looking inward from 

NW3 at (322.6° - 337.5°) compass point. By sitting or standing with our back to this direction, we will naturally be open to facing Sao Po SE3 (142.6-157.5).

Exactly opposite the Commander or Tai Sui the Grand Duke is Sao Po. Frequently known as the year breaker, beware not to sit upon this location which is said to spell disaster on this compass point.

SE3 at (142.6-157.5) degrees.

Note: there are 3 sectors dividing each compass direction numbered 1, 2, 3 from left to right. These sectors make up 24 unique directions (15 degrees apart) called

24 Mountains in Feng Shui. 

 Each year these coordinates change,  moving clockwise around the compass. A negative magnetic field sets up wherever they are positioned.   

Best to acknowledge and use caution along this diagonal line across space. Cure it. Stand in the center of the house and use a compass to achieve exact measurement.

15 degrees wide in each direction.


Note: This year has no Spring (Lap Chun), or at most 1 day Feb 4.  The Lunar New Year Begins next day Feb 5th. In other words, the year lacks the elements of Spring, growth, budding, starting, seeding.  We can symbolically remedy this by placing elements of Spring around the house. Flowers, Greenery, Rain Paintings, Sprouts, Bamboo shoots replacing the missing element.








Three Killings:


Three additional annual disturbances appear in the Western expanse this year, according to Flying Star Feng Shui.


A simple solution for curing these afflictions is to face or confront them. By facing the Western expanse this year, specifically the compass directions below, you will be able to understand the energies coming in, and not be surprised by them.


Each year,  these coordinates change, moving counterclockwise within the four cardinal directions, North/West/South/East.


Look toward the West when conducting business or working for long periods of time. When you can, 

set up furniture into sitting areas that open up to face the Western expanse this year.  Beware of sitting with your back to these coordinates of energies so they don't hit you from behind, representing your reputation, money, and loved ones. This may be tricky finding a suitable sitting arrangement with the Tai Sui so close.  It can be done with some finess.    Facing the new incoming energies allows for clarity of understanding in order to handle the dynamic unseen forces.  


Year Disturbance

SW3 at (232.6-247.5) degrees

Robbery Disturbance

W2 at (262.6-277.5) degrees

Calamity Disturbance

NW1 at (292.6-307.5) degrees


Do what you can do and Let go. 

No house has perfect feng shui. 

If you find a situation that simply doesn't work or it feels or looks odd, stop and move on.

Work toward correcting at least 70% of your overall feng shui, and you will achieve harmonious feng shui.


Click on STARS above in the grey navigation bar to see cures and enhancement recommendations

for room locations with my

General Reading for All,

Feng Shui Analysis.



Solar Date

February 4:  Traditional setting of cures                     and enhancements day.                Adjust anytime throughout the year.

Lunar Date

February 5: Chinese New Year

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