Explore the value of ancient wisdom and balance your environment
so it may
bless you.


Feng Shui is the art and science of balancing space so that it is a beautiful place with function for everything. Through careful placement of five elements (fire, earth, metal, water, wood) in alignment with surrounding natural environment, feng shui creates a positive, practical, supportive, and harmonious place for living.
Demystify Feng Shui with a practical approach. Known for thousands of years as Art of Placement, Feng Shui offers simple solutions to improve your home, office or garden. Feng Shui is an evolving relationship between occupant and living space based on common sense paired with elemental metaphyisical alignment. This practice can reveal ways of reorienting your space for increased possibility. Feng Shui can revitalize your living space, lift your mood, change your life.
About Feng Shui

Flying star feng shui is based on a system of time. Everything is on a constant continuum of change. The original founders of feng shui observed and recorded behavioral phenomenom based on spacial relationship and time cycles. They were able to record a pattern that continues to cycle, and based on this pattern we have the annual charts of today, as well as the ability to chart for the future.

Scott Sterling Hill
Design Consultant
Feng Shui Practitioner
New York City, Denver, Los Angeles
Consultant of interior space arrangement, design, color coordination
and art placement.
Organizer for clutter-free space,
inspiring positive change with simple recommendations.
Lillian Too
World of Feng Shui
John Bethell
Worldwide School of Feng Shui
Since I met Scott Sterling Hill over 3 decades ago, he has been studying and practicing the art and science of Feng Shui. He has helped me immensely with both my work and home spaces, and I have noticed immediate positive results both in how I feel, and what his suggestions attract in my life. He is able to provide Feng Shui consultations from the most fundamental and basic to the most sublime and esoteric. He is able not only to give suggestions and cures, but help you to make the important steps to implement them. His vast knowledge is coupled with a profound intuitive gift. I highly recommend Scott as a Feng Shui Practitioner.
Jonathan Oldham,
Physical Therapist, Pilates Instructor, Colorado